15 March 2007

Blessed Immersion

Do you remember the joys of childhood, before the stress and strain of responsibility, bill paying, menu planning, laundry folding - when you still had two brain cells left to pursue something you loved? My son loves Marvel comics - and especially Spiderman. He is waiting with baited breath for the next movie to come out. The other day, everything was Spiderman, and I caught him during some drawing time. I just love this picture. He was so into it that he didn't even notice me creep up with the camera. (I'm like a ninja stalker with that thing around here trying to capture awesome "un-posed" moments - of course the flash usually gives me away!)
In the last couple of days he has gotten into the Magic Treehouse books that I bought quite some time ago. He read one about Sabertooths, and is now unable to put down "Tonight on the Titanic". I took a picture of him this morning, as soon as he woke with his head sticking out of the covers and the book in his hands. The very first thing he said is, "Do NOT put that on your blog mom!" So I guess I won't be sharing. Too bad for you - that one is drenched in cuteness!


  1. Looks like he's intensely interested in his work. Gabe loved the Magic Tree house books when he was younger. Thanks so much for the prayers. We are home safe and sound.

  2. Tell Kullen that I am sure Alexandra is also waiting eagerly for the next Spiderman movie. You can tell him that Alexandra loved Spiderman so much that she had a Spiderman themed sweet sixteen birthday party. She also had, at some point, a Spiderman comforter (as recently as her freshman year of college) as well as the oh so cool Spiderman webshooter glove. And I do believe she still has a Spiderman coloring book. Maybe we should get them together for a play date :)
    Believe it or not I used to watch the Spiderman cartoons when I was a teenager. Loved the catchy theme song "Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can..."


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥