02 August 2008


Today my friends Lizbeth and Betsy and the four children they have between them arrive from wild, wonderful West Virginia. I am pretty excited. I have sheet changing and bread baking and all manner of things to get done before they get here. Why am I blogging? I have no idea. So, I'm off. I'll keep you "posted". Literally.


  1. Oh Julie! How exciting!! Have lots of fun.

  2. Fun! Fun! Have a marvelous time!!

  3. Hey - nice comment form!! Now you tell me how you got those hearts around "Juls" - I know where that message goes, but how do you get the hearts??

  4. Hey Tami - thank YOU for helping me figure out how to get this little comment box here. Does it irritate anyone else that it is not perfectly on center? I think it is just me being anal!

    Okay - to get the ♥ all you do is type &_hearts_; removing the spaces indicated by underlining. Viola - ♥ now go share the love ♥!

  5. Let me try ...
    I'm not bothered by the comment form being off center and NEVER would've noticed had you not said something!
    & hearts; Tami

  6. okay - guess that didn't work!!
    I'll go practice someplace else and come back when I've got it right!!

  7. You and I: If we hold each other's hand, we really can do this blogging things!!

  8. You'll have so much fun that you'll get zero sleep!!!

  9. I thought only one friend was coming. I wish you well... almost a month is a long time. :)

  10. I hope you all of a blast. Wish I could join you!


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥