17 March 2009

John Ortberg on Marriage and Divorce

Not long ago my friend and former pastor, Porky sent me an mp3 sermon by a pastor named John Ortberg on Marriage and Divorce. I can't find out how to load it and send you a link so you can listen, but I did find videos on his website. You can view it in three parts by clicking on the playlist at the right.
I have felt for a long time that God himself would be utterly disappointed in me if I left my husband and gave up on my marriage. I am not in any way trying to find justification for a divorce, or even that I am pursuing one, but to know that God does not condemn me where I am right now set me free. I have been very angry at Him for a long time, feeling like He expected me to be trapped in misery. Now I know that my hurts have broken His heart.
I share this in the hope that it will be as liberating for someone else.

1 comment:

  1. My sister struggled to stay in her marriage because of her thinking that God wouldn't approve. Finally she just couldn't stand it anymore and she got her divorce. Thankfully. We always tried to stand by her decision to live with that horrible man. God is using her greatly now. I don't have time to watch those videos but I am pretty sure that we all have to follow what we feel is God's leading for ourselves. I know that I don't know you that well but I do read your blog a lot and pray for you. I would like to be able to be on your list but I understand if you don't want me to be. I wish you and the kids the best.


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥