12 March 2007

T13 Edition #3 - Thirteen Things I Should Be Doing Instead of Blogging

1. I should be sleeping. My eyelids are sticking to my contacts, which are begging to be taken out for the night.
2. I should be reading the book I can hardly put down, once I pick it up that is!
3. I should be making a meatloaf to drop off at the church for tomorrow.
4. I should sweep the kitchen floor.
5. I should go into my daughter's bedroom and pry the secret her friend just told her from her sealed lips!
6. I should work on the homeschool co-op's newsletter - but at this stage in the game it is probably best that I don't.
7, 8 9, & 10. I should let the dog in, turn off the porch light, lock the front door and force my night-owl children to bed.
11, 12 & 13. I should tidy the living room, straighten the pillows and start the dishwasher.

But I'd rather be blogging!


  1. Yip...... blogging is way more fun! I had a good giggle as I read your 13!You see blogging has its merits, it cheers up it's readers!
    Did you find out that secret!!!!!!!If your as nosy as I am I could never go to bed with that buzzing around my head!

  2. I should be sleeping. We leave this house where we are staying in 6 hours and I know I won't sleep on the plane. I just have a hard time sleeping when we have to be up so early (3 AM) to go to the airport. I'm afraid that I won't hear the alarm and miss the flight. So, it's blogging time, movie time. . . I think our hostess has made some peach cobbler so it's also dessert time!

  3. I should be listing my thirteen!! Is this part of Thursday Thirteen or is T13 for Tuesday?? I am SO confused!!

    I love the secret -- do find out, then SHARE! *wink*

    I just read your favorite poems -- very cute! Especially the ations. :o)


  4. Heeheehee...oh, yeah...I'd rather be blogging than doing all those other responsible things, too! Nice list!


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥