22 March 2007

Discerning Hubby

I have a confession to make, I have trouble trusting. I grew up much of the time in such a way where much of the time I had to second guess someone's possible ulterior motive for decisions that were being made that had an effect on me. Before I learned to be suspicious - I got tossed around carelessly so I got wise pretty quick. This has bled into my marriage, and my parenting. There have been numerous times however, when my husband has proven that he is quite gifted at discernment. On first meeting of a person, he will tell me that they are going to be "trouble". I, on the other hand, am generally willing to give anyone a chance to prove otherwise. Yesterday his "gift" proved itself. Our son wanted to go down the street and skateboard in the parking lot of the local jr. high school with some other boys - two teenagers and one boy his age. As a mother, just because I don't want him out of my sight, my first impulse is always to say "no", so in an attempt to actually allow the kid a chance, I told him he needed to ask his dad. Since dad was on his way home from work, a quick call to the cell gave him a definitive no answer. Based on the company, daddy did not think it was a good idea. Later we found out that the boys had gone into the school and stolen money. Although he would have not been the instigator, Kullen surely would have gotten blamed just for being there. He is not going to play with these boys anymore. In this house I am learning FATHER really does know best!


  1. thing two we have in common! my husband definitely has discernment. in the beginning, i just thought he always thought the worst, but time has proven he has the ability to "get a vibe" from people right away. 99% of the time he is right. although i try to keep that quiet! :o)

  2. Yesterday I was having serious doubts about the way Richard was handling a situation with Ricky - wanted to jump in and "fix" it. Turns out Richard was absolutely right and it turned out perfectly and I am so happy that I kept my mouth shut and let him do his thing!

  3. Fabulous story! Everything is a purpose for GOd to grow us up (and Kullen in this case as well). I am feeling a Praise God coming on!

  4. Tav is the same way. I have learned to really trust his intuition. And to add to Jblieu comment, I have seriously questioned Tav's way of dealing with the kids in some situations, especially Kameron, and guys just have a different way of communicating which is natural to boys. I, as a mother, want to do something more motherish or female-ish, and it doesn't always work. Dad's are SOOO important!

  5. Julie, I am reminded of that illustration of the family under the protection of God, then the husband and family. Praise God your son was under the umbrella!


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥