13 September 2008


One picture of the corner by our house. I know that pictures can't really tell the story. This is the corner by our house.
I am so overwhelmed by your love right now and thank you for it. My thinking is a little muddled right now - I can't even tell what I'll be doing tomorrow. I don't know where money is coming from even to get home from here. Sounds like it will be a while. Please be patient with me while the storm settles and I attempt to process what's happening and what is going to happen from here.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeed


  1. Oh Julie, we could swap war zone photos. That looks like my neighborhood last week. Praying that Travis is safe through all of this. We were in a good shelter for the worst of Gustav. After seeing our neighborhood when we returned about 5 hours later, I'm so glad we weren't at home. It would have been a terrifying experience.

  2. You're in my prayers. God will make a way...

  3. Wow Julie, that's something! I remember very vividly being in Houston in '83 for Hurricane Alicia. Being a northern girl, I had never been through anything like it before and was so scared!! I don't imagine it gets any easier, does it?
    Anyway, I'll continue praying for you guys.

  4. I have been trying to remember to come by here and check on you, ever since Ike hit. Why'd you guys leave? We stayed, had a lot of tree damage and the streets were impassable due to downed trees and powerlines. We were a little over a week without power.
    Glad you guys were safe though.


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥