27 July 2008

A Few Cans of Spray Paint a Party Does Make

Kullen's room has been so plain. As part of our "spring cleaning" thing this past week, learning to love and appreciate our home, we overhauled his room completely. We put a specific shelf out in the middle of the room, and made a little divider wall with his bed behind it. He really likes it and has been hanging out in there most of the day.
The one problem with his room is that his room has these huge walls made of these wooden slats, and I have been at a loss as to what to do with them. I decided the other day to let him make a mural, and thanks to some inspiration from some of my online unschooling friends, I decided to let him use spray paint. We went to the store Friday night, and I let him choose two colors. He chose black and green. With the teenage boys that were coming over tonight - I figured they could help him get started. It was only a matter of minutes after they got here before they were on the loose. By the end of the night it was a work of art. The really fun thing is that this is sort of a freestyle art. You can get more colors, and continue to paint over it until it looks like a piece of urban art.
It was a pretty fun night!
I posted these pictures on Facebook and already got one comment from Kendra's new boyfriend Dylan that said "your family is so awesome!!!" I just can't tell you how much that meant to me right now.
And for those of you who care, Kendra's new boyfriend Dylan is to the far left in the red shirt. He's pretty awesome too.


  1. Looks fun. Strangely - years and years ago another Cullen had a similar party - kids showed up and painted and put their handprints and signatures all over his walls.
    Hope he enjoys his new space. hopefully when he looks at the walls he will think of the fun time he had creating it.

  2. Dylan is right you guys are awesome!
    How fun for Kullen what a memory for him.

  3. :D

    So cool! I gave DD permission (more like a push) to draw/paint/doodle/whatever on her walls. She has some doodles but it's still pretty plain. I'll show her those pics, maybe it will inspire her.


  4. too cool! I think the added colors as he goes along would be neat. I love looking at urban art. It's very freestyle and expressive. That room is totally a Kullen room.

    What fun memories!!!

  5. I have to hide this post from my boys-- they would be SO jealous! I don't quite trust them with the spray paint right now... especially on their new carpet. Nope... no way. Maybe when they're older and big enough to have pictures that are more than 4 ft off the floor! ;-)

    What a fun way to personalize his own space!

  6. You brave woman you! I'm sure Kullen will enjoy it for a long time. And just give him another can of spray paint when he's tired of it!

  7. Hey, another awesome family. Cool!!

    This gives me an idea.


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥