14 May 2008

Lest I Get Accused of Whining

My post yesterday about getting the conversation going about Bugles was meant to be humorous. I am not irritated - just found it funny. I have never been able to figure out what exactly it is that gets the blogosphere abuzz. It seems to change from day to day.

Right now - I got nothin'. Just a whole lotta work!


  1. Hi! Thats all the comment I can muster right now. Hope to be seeing you in a few weeks.

  2. Hey friend. It's been a slow day here. Just waiting for my son to get home from school. My work is done for the day.

    Don't work too hard!

  3. Sometimes quirky posts get alot of attention- no rhyme or reason. Sometimes I think it depends what mood the readers are in- if it is a heavy day, they may just want to have a little fun. If they are not rushed, they may have some more time for discussion. Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. Bugles? I must be clueless. What the heck are you talking about?

  5. Never-mind, girl, I figured it out.

  6. I didn't take it as whining. Of course I know the nutty people of which you were speaking of. AH, I love the people in my life, including you. I am hoping to see you VERY soon.

  7. HA! I'm the one whining, I'm sick...wha wha wha whine...

    I only get a few stray comments on my blog so who knows...

  8. I agree with halfmoon girl - ditto.

  9. Everyone is entitled to a whiney day.


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥