04 December 2007

I Love Me a Working Man

The hubby got a job today! He starts tomorrow. It isn't the job we were wanting and is a cut in pay - but it is a paycheck for right now! Woo hoo! I celebrated by buying two small Christmas gifts. Today was also his birthday. I made him monkey bread for breakfast, with coffee in bed.
It's been a long day - so I apologize for this incoherent post. I just had to share the good news!


  1. WOOHOO!!!!!!

    I don't know if I want to know what monkey bread in bed means :)

  2. Congratulations - that must be a relief.
    Tell Travis Happy Birthday from all of us.

  3. Praise the LORD!! And Happy Birthday to Travis -

  4. Congrats! It may not be what you were exactly looking for but it may have come his way for a particliar reason!

    Lots to catch up on!

    Mancala was a favorite but we played TONS of Backgammon!

    The music, what can I say? The Chipmunks always grated on my nerves, even as a kid. I was weird I suppose!

    Vintage commercials: How well I remember the Norelco ones! I too would sit mesemerized in front of the TV and my granmother's house, waiting for Charlie Brown Christmas and Frosty & Rudolph! What nostalgic memories from childhood! I taped ALL of those one year when my kids were young and they watched them all year long! The Walton's was/is one of my favorites but I never saw that dollhouse. if I had I would've been begging for it from Santa!

  5. Yippee! Yippie!

    \o/ PTL & Happy Birthday to Travis!

  6. Yay! Glad to hear the good news. And mmmmmmmmmmonkey bread! That's what I want to wake up to on my birthday. ;)

  7. YEA, YEA, YEA!!!! I think that says it all!! Love you and sending praises up!


  8. I think monkey bread in bed might get you pregnant or something.

  9. What wonderful news!! Thanks for letting us know. And a belated Happy Birthday to Travis!!


Awaiting your words......
♥ Juls ♥